A cross sectional study to assess the prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease among type 2 diabetes patients

Marjorie Miraclin K * and Hemalatha B

Faculty of Allied health Sciences, Dr MGR Educational and Research Institute.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2024, 20(01), 196–203.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2024.20.1.0685
Publication history: 
Received on 16 August 2024; revised on 30 September 2024; accepted on 03 October 2024
The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and factors associated with NAFLD among type 2 diabetes patients ; using a cross sectional study design, a representative sample of T2 DM patients were recruited from A.C.S Medical College And Hospital in Chennai. A detailed medical history as well as laboratory investigation were done NAFLD was diagnosed using abdominal ultrasonography examination. the overall prevalence of NAFLD was 59.3% (89 people) out of 150 T2DM patients. these patients had developed Intermediate fibrosis. In a multivariable regression analysis the risk of NAFLD was significantly higher among male T2DM patients with no alteration in the liver enzymes such as AST and ALT levels. Overall results shows that the most affected age group is between 40-50 years and Individual with BMI range more than 25 (obese) had higher incidence of NAFLD. It was concluded that NAFLD is a common association of T2DM, increasing BMI, poor dietary control are significant factors associated with NAFLD among type 2 DM patients. Health education to improve dietary control and testing for NAFLD among diabetic patients especially those with abnormal BMI are recommended for early detection and prevention of NAFLD.
NAFLD; T2DM; Ultrasonography Abdomen; Fibrosis; Liver Enzymes; Age Factor; Obese; BMI; Poor Diet
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